My Story


Dreams still come true…..

Langston Hughes once asked, “What do you do with a dream deferred?”. I have asked myself that question over and over again. In the Langston Hughes poem, different observations are given to answer the question. all are bleak and some I concur with and even still fight with daily. I battle with procrastination when attempting to set new things in motion, because of the lack of comfort in the unknown. I have tried to enlist the help of those close to me to make it more comfortable, because if the ones I love and trust are there, I believe everything will be ok.... right?  I’ve found myself talking about all of my dreams and aspirations so much that when I finally go to pursue it, fear grips me and I back up, leaving myself frustrated and ashamed. At the end of the day it’s Jay keeping Jay from fulfilling what God has put in me to accomplish. Yeah, I believe that all those big Ideas didn't come from just anywhere, they were God given. I would probably stay in a place of fear if I believed that God was unable to help me in those times. I must admit, at times, I have told myself the very opposite of what He says I am.

He says, "For I know the plans I have for you, Declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jer. 29:11. I have had a lot transpire in my life that attempted to keep me from the plans he has for me. I know nothing happens without purpose, and especially when God is in control of your life. I want to encourage you, as long as you wake up every morning in your right mind, it provides you another chance to chase after what God has for you.

Bishop Micheal Cole came to visit our congregation in 2017 and oh boy… I had some stuff going on! I was sick in my body with multiple issues and even in all that, I could feel spiritual transition strongly. Now, anyone who knows Bishop Cole knows he means Jesus, All The Way, so you can't just ask how his trip was and shoot the breeze. He is going to do two things… Tell you what thus sayeth the Lord, and he is going to pray. I've seen him perform an alter call when all he was asked to do was bless the food! Anywho, Bishop Cole preached that morning about, “Being Called By God”, the message was great, service was great, and I figured that was it. When church was over, he was greeting people and still ministering to them. At this point in my life, I’m feeling the lowest I have ever felt, and I really don't know what I’m supposed to be doing other than someone else’s hair. Bishop comes to me and he says, “Daughter how are you doing?”, I respond and say, “I’m ok Bishop”. That was not the truth but that was the quickest answer I could give. He says, “What are you doing, what are your dreams?”. I then begin to tell him how had recently completed real estate school and never took the test, and how that made me pretty much feel like a loser. He said, “Oh, you’re going to do that”, and he said, "Dreams… you have so many of them". “Yep”, I said, “I can be up there in the clouds all day with stuff God gives me.” He said, “But God wants to remind you of the dreams that you walked away from and deferred for others because you were too afraid to go at it alone". He said, “Write down everything that you wanted to do and have yet to and put it in your Bible because He is going to bring back those things that you thought was too late to pursue and even some of those things you forgot”.  He prayed with me and I went home and wrote everything down I could think of and started remembering some stuff as well. I put that list in my bible in 2017 and now fast forward to 2020, guess what… those things listed those years ago are starting to come to fruition now.

In 2020 JB Concepts LLC will be off the ground and running. That is my creative conglomerate where,  “A Niche 4 It Decor & Design”, “A Niche 4 It Home Edition” (both in partnership with my Mom), “Redefined” online resale and retail store, and my blog and marketing platform, "In The Moment" all reside. These dreams have been a longtime coming. I thought the window had closed and some of my dreams, I thought had died.

I want to encourage you if your dreams have been deferred that’s ok because deferred just means postponed. God already knew you would be in the way of yourself and He knew you would need time to come to a place of trust. He has your best interest at heart. Don't give up because you can't always see your way, hold on to those dreams tightly. He knows the exact time they will become reality. Don't fret, it’s not our plan, its Gods plan, and he has it all under control. 

I Love Everybody, But I Love God The Most,